京都市上京区のブランディング・デザイン会社 | 株式会社ウォークアンドドロー

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履正社国際医療スポーツ専門学校 学校案内
Riseisha School Guide

Riseisha cover



The viewpoints of prospective students are important.

School pamphlet issued by RISEISHA INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF MEDICINE AND SPORT. We have been involved in the production of this pamphlet since its publication for students entering in the 2019 school year. The school offers specialized courses in sports, medical care, training, and languages, which are introduced in an easy-to-understand manner with illustrations and key colors. The cover photo is taken every year by a photographer who is active in various media, using actual students enrolled in the school as models. The magazine is produced with the aim of enabling prospective students to envision their future and to hold the magazine in their hands as if it were their own.


  • riseisha
