京都市上京区のブランディング・デザイン会社 | 株式会社ウォークアンドドロー

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Design for Problem-Solving













“Have you ever wondered why design is necessary?"
Our business specializes in "Design for Problem Solving." To us, designing means using design strategies to solve companies' and services' problems. When we meet with a client for the first time, we ask not only what kind of design they want but also what problem they need solving. Our primary objective is to solve problems, not merely create and deliver products. We believe that the client's latent power, the essence of their company or service, can be drawn out through design to provide the solution.


Design = communication tool


Our company specializes in "Design for Problem Solving." However, in recent times, the term "design" has been utilized in various contexts, leading to a vague understanding of its meaning. In our company, the design process focuses mainly on visually and experientially communicating with the target audience. This includes designing logos, flyers, catalogs, websites, and other media to effectively connect a company or service with its customers. A flaw in communication can result in misinterpreting the intended message, leading to negative consequences. We strongly believe that design is a process of arranging and communicating a message effectively and attractively to the intended audience.


Drawing out individuality and
creating an unique style

The term "branding" has become a widely used marketing term, applied by both individuals and companies. While many interpret branding as the enhancement of a company's external appearance or reputation, this is not the original meaning.
Our approach to branding involves identifying and expressing a company or product's unique personality and characteristics, fostering a shared understanding of the brand among stakeholders. This includes creating an aspirational vision for the brand, developing a distinctive style, effectively communicating it to customers, and earning their trust.
We use a step-by-step process to develop a comprehensive branding system that highlights your company's individuality, helping you stand out in a crowded marketplace.


Design as a management solution

To succeed in design and branding, it is crucial to comprehend a company's business role, including its objectives and what it offers to its customers. By asking fundamental questions such as "what is the company in business for?" and "what value does it provide to customers?" we can aid in the creation of deliverables and facilitate management in conveying a vision to employees. This leads to a shared understanding of roles and purpose among employees, resulting in a more robust organization. Our consultants and we can assist in answering these critical questions through branding.

